Filterpack 500 FE
Condensate and odor purifier
for electric ovens
Pre-wash and smoke cooling with disposable water, 0.3 lit / m
Structure: Stainless steel box, with lower decanting section and filter holder supports; filters 50 x 50 cm. ​
Prefilter: Stainless steel labyrinth, to retain coarse humidity and coarse dust.
Dust filter: In mesh / flat fleece, to retain fine humidity and class G4 powders.
Odor filters: 1 or 2 impregnated alumina filters, 25 mm
Filterpack 500 FE is a post water treatment anti-pollution device.
It can be used on micro particulate abatement systems. Very effective for optimal results with maximum air flow up to 500m³ / h, can be used on the AH250 soot eliminator
If you want to eliminate odors more, or you want to reduce the diffusion of steam coming out of the machine, or in the case of fumes for which additional treatments are required, a post-treatment device is available which is based on filtering septa of various types, applicable at the machine outlet.
Due to its resistance, this device must necessarily be equipped with a fan and inverter.
The Filterpack is a filter holder with 4 grooves for the support of the filters themselves. It cannot lean directly on the machine, as the outlet of the machine itself and the dimensions of the filterpack are not the same.
There is therefore a collector, which must be linked to the machine outlet with an array of screws.
A second crown of screws will bind the manifold to the box. The joints must be siliconed.
Placed above the box, a hopper (supplied) must be installed, also bound by screws and siliconed. Above all this, the fan must be fixed, by means of its joint d. 250 male / female.
It is advisable to fix the fan to a fixed support (eg with wall brackets of suitable length) so that it does not vibrate.
the FILTERPACK device does not guarantee absolute filtration. In some cases, between the blast chiller and the filterpack, an opening is made, equipped with a butterfly valve, in order to let in fresh air, which contributes to the condensation of the steam.
Operation card
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