Ozone generators

The Ozone Generators are machines for the treatment of air and odors, for the disinfestation and total deodorization of the rooms.
They are permanent fire extinguishing systems.
Ozone generators help keep ducts free of grease and dirt, averting fire hazards.
Deodorant filter system.
Ozone is a highly reactive gas, with a pungent odor and high concentrations of blue color. Equipped with a high oxidizing power.
Ozone is a molecule made up of 3 oxygen atoms; in nature it is formed during phenomena such as lightning.
In fact, oxygen tends to take the diatomic form (O2), hence ozone.
Subjected to even a weakly reactive environment or to energy emissions (UV rays), it disintegrates, releasing oxygen.
This characteristic makes it a very strong oxidant.
Its reactivity is used in the sterilization and purification processes.
To produce ozone, the natural phenomenon that creates it in lightning is replicated by passing a current of air through a strong electric field of 6000v. The addition of ozone to the air rich in impurities captured by the hood, causes the impurities themselves (eg fat particles), which are chemically attacked, to dissolve.
Downstream of the plant there is an activated carbon control unit, equipped with a fan, which eliminates ozone and residual odors before re-entering the environment of the treated air, which is expelled without odors, particles and ozone.
An ozone-activated carbon treatment guarantees a 99% reduction of odors and suspended particles.
L'ozono: qualche informazione in più sul gas prodotto dal generatore
L’Ozono è un gas altamente reattivo, di odore pungente e a elevate concentrazioni di colore blu. Dotato di un'elevato potere ossidante.
L'ozono è una molecola formata da 3 atomi di ossigeno; in natura si forma durante fenomeni come fulmini.
L’ossigeno tende infatti ad assumere la forma biatomica (O2), quindi l’ozono.
Sottoposto a un ambiente anche debolmente reattivo o ad emissioni di energia (raggi Uv), si disgrega, liberando ossigeno.
Questa sua caratteristica lo rende un fortissimo ossidante.
La sua reattività è usata nei processi di sterilizzazione e purificazione.
The eOzoner line is equipped with REVERSE air technology through the production of Negative Ions.
Suitable for sanitizing the home, office, shop, restaurant, hotel, boat, camper or any environment you want to sanitize and sanitize.
VERSIONS: 5 gr / h; 10 g / h; 20 g / h
Come viene prodotto l'ozono dai generatori per ambienti?
Per produrre ozono, si replica il fenomeno naturale che lo crea nei fulmini, facendo passare una corrente d’aria attraverso un forte campo elettrico di 6000v. L’aggiunta di ozono all’aria ricca di impurità catturata dalla cappa, fa si che le impurità stesse (es. particelle di grasso), chimicamente aggredite, si dissolvano.
A valle dell’impianto è posta una centralina a carbone attivo, munita di ventola, che elimina l’ozono ed i residui odori prima della re-immissione nell'ambiente dell’aria trattata, che viene espulsa senza odori, particelle ed ozono.
Un trattamento ozono-carbone attivo garantisce un abbattimento del 99% degli odori e delle particelle sospese.

COD. G.Ozone 03 - 70
Ozone generator with a capacity of up to 70 g of ozone emission per hour.
Suitable for a 4 m wall hood.
COD. G.Ozone 03 - 60
Ozone generator with a capacity of up to 60 g of ozone emission per hour.
Suitable for a 3 m wall hood.
COD. G.Ozone 03 - 40
Ozone generator with a capacity of up to 40 g of ozone emission per hour.
Suitable for a 2 m wall hood.
COD. G.Ozone 03 - 30
Ozone generator with a capacity of up to 28 g of ozone emission per hour.
Suitable for a 1.5m wall hood.
I generatori Etc Group:
macchine per ozono da oltre 10 anni
Etc Group Srl has been producing ozone generators for the treatment of odors and fats since 2012 .
These systems have solved problems both on new systems and also on existing systems, problems due to the frying process in the kitchens of Chinese restaurants and traditional kitchens.
These machines are located upstream of the hood and of the extraction systems. Downstream of the plant there is a
control unit with activated carbon, equipped with a fan, to eliminate the ozone and residual odors before the re-entry into the environment of the treated air, so that it is expelled without odors, particles and unreacted ozone.
The treatment with ozone and activated carbon guarantees a 99% reduction of odors and suspended particles.
The system must be applied as per the manual, with forced suction downstream of the system.
In addition to this, ozone oxidizes and destroys 99.98% of viruses, bacteria, molds and mites in a natural, economical and ecological way , avoiding the use of chemical disinfectants; it is not flammable or explosive.
After use it becomes pure oxygen, leaving no residue, purifying the air and neutralizing the smell of smoke.
It is in fact recognized by the Ministry of Health as a "Natural Presidium for the sterilization of environments contaminated by bacteria, viruses, spores, etc." (Protocol 24482 of 31/07/1996).
* Not suitable for the treatment of white fumes generated
from burning oil, meat fats, hamburgers and more. These fumes are treated with our electrostatic filters (see paragraph electrostatic filters)
Contact us with confidence and together we will find the best solution to your needs.